Post.Ed (posture + education)
Urban Dictionary
Posted: when you are going to be at one place for a long amount of time & won't be moving locations.
Ergonomic design
Furniture design
The Post.Ed chair was designed to bridge the gap between ergonomics and school chairs.
The Goal and Approach
Using design to socially uplift the school environment and overall health of the students by
looking at how basic ergonomics and aesthetically pleasing furniture can influence and
affect the learning process.
The Challenge
Ergonomics and health
Traditional static furniture have proven to have a negative effect on students well being,
health and classroom performance. It encourages bad back posture due to insufficient
lumbar support when writing and reading.
Classroom dynamics
Teaching methods have evolved to new motion-friendly methods. The implementation of
CAPS (Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements) has innovated the traditional teaching
methods, all students will have text books and work documents. This changes classroom
dynamics and the need of arranging the desks facing the blackboard has become less
important. This allows teachers to incorporate innovative teaching methods by having a
flexible environment. School furniture should be evolving with the teaching methodologies.
The problem with the common big fixed bench systems, teachers are unable to be
innovative with rearranging their class rooms efficiently.
Traditional school environments and furniture have always been bland and dull, creating a
boring learning environment. Studies have shown that by just adding colour to learning
environments, the students has an increase in concentration span and they are more likely
to want to come to school and less likely to vandalize the furniture.